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Docker cheat sheet

Using existing Docker images

Run a container

Simple run

docker run <image-name>

Run with a name

docker run --name <name> <image-name>

Run in detached mode - will run in the background and get back the hand of the terminal

docker run -d <image-name>

Remove automatically the container when it stops

docker run --rm <image-name>

List docker processes

docker ps

List all docker processes

This will include stopped containers

docker ps -a

Stop a container

docker stop <container-id>

Building Docker images

Dockerfile example

A docker file is a set of instructions to build a docker image

FROM node:lts


COPY package.json /app

RUN npm install

COPY . /app


CMD ["node", "server.js"]


The base image to use


The working directory inside the container


Copy files from the host to the container


Run a command inside the container


Expose a port inside the container - this is a documentation purpose for your images users


The command to run when the container starts

Build an image

docker build .

Build with a tag

docker build -t <tag> .

Build with a name and tag

docker build -t <name>:<tag> .

Use a custom docker file name

docker build -f <dockerfile-name> .

Manage containers and images

List images

docker images

Remove an image

docker rmi <image-id>

List containers

docker container ls

Remove a container

docker rm <container-id>

Remove all stopped containers

docker container prune

Remove all dangling images

docker image prune

** Remove all images**

docker image prune -a

Inspect an image

docker image inspect <image-id>


Copy a file into a running container

docker cp <file> <container-id>:<path>

** Copy a file from a running container**

docker cp <container-id>:<path> <file>

Get Help

Just add --help to any docker command

docker --help
docker run --help
docker build --help
